Marilyn Reish

Research Associate

Marilyn Reish

School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Master of Landscape Architecture

221C Dudley Hall

Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Tennessee – Knoxville, 2022
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Manchester University, 2007

Marilyn Reish is a Research Associate in Landscape Architecture. She is currently working on multiple grant projects with Associate Professor Rob Holmes including work with the Dredge Research Collaborative, NOAA, and The National Academy of Sciences. Outside of her current work at Auburn which is focused on the northern Gulf of Mexico, sea level rise, and sediment dynamics, her research interests include mobility and migration studies on micro and macro scales. At the University of Tennessee her thesis work utilized agent-based modeling, and dynamic simulations to map movement as part of a responsive system, critiquing and manipulating static and bordered cartography.

Prior to obtaining her degree at UTK, Reish worked for over a decade in landscaping and horticulture and construction, working on farms and running CSAs,  co-owning a design-build company that specialized in native plant landscaping, traditional stonework, and habitat restoration. While in Tennessee, she worked at Overhill Gardens, a native plant nursery, collecting local eco-type seeds and helping to tend and propagate over 500 species of plants.

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