Behzad Nakhjavan

Professor Emeritus

Behzad Nakhjavan

School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Bachelor of Architecture

306 Dudley Hall Phone: (334) 844-5441

Master of Architecture, Washington University in St. Louis, 1984
Bachelor of Architecture, Mississippi state University, 1981

member of American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Registered Architects in States of Florida and Missouri since 1984
Member of ACSA

professor of architecture teaching architectural design studio, design & theory seminars, drawing seminars, lighting seminars, and university Core class in Art of architecture, place and culture.
participated in study abroad teaching in Rome & Vicenza, Italy, Istanbul, Turkey, and all Scandinavia.

Creative work: Principle of BNS Design Studio, an architectural office primarily involved in critical practice for the past 30 years having received six major regional and national American Institute of Architects (AIA) Awards of Excellence for superior design projects.
Research: Have been primarily involved in translation of poetry of 12th century Persian Poet "Rumi" into experiential and representational charcoal drawings. This research has been presented in International conferences in Imperial college London, UK 2015, exhibition of work at American University in Paris, France 2017, and Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Portugal, 2019