Designed for Habitat

Designed for Habitat; David Hinson and Justin Miller

Collaborations with Habitat for Humanity

In Designed for Habitat, Hinson and Miller profile thirteen projects designed and built by architects and Habitat for Humanity. Detailed plans, sections, and photographs describe how these projects came about, the strategies used by each team to approach the design and construction process, and the obstacles they overcame to realize a successful outcome.

Located all across the United States, these projects represent the full spectrum of Habitat for Humanity affiliates, from large urban affiliates to small rural programs. These cases illustrate a broad range of innovative approaches to energy performance, alternative construction strategies, and responses to site context. And each house demonstrates that design quality need not fall victim to the rigorous imperatives of cost, delivery, and financing.

According to John Cary, founder and editor of, “Designed for Habitat presents potent evidence of the link between design and dignity, particularly in the context of low-income housing. It captures a crucial trifecta of perspectives–Habitat for Humanity leaders, homeowners, and designers. Their powerful, sometimes explosive stories aren’t sugarcoated by Hinson and Miller; the pair makes clear that these collaborations present huge challenges for often-opposing cultures, but can yield unprecedented payoffs. With America’s housing in a perpetual state of crisis, such partnerships are more important than ever. This highly-instructive, landmark book is an unmatched guide for future collaborations. It communicates so clearly and so convincingly to Habitat and its homeowners that they too deserve good design; indeed, we all do.”

David Hinson is Full Professor and Justin Miller is Associate Professor of Architecture at Auburn’s School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture.