Student Experience

Study Abroad

2019 Group of Building Construction Students in front of Westminster Abby

Faculty-Led Study Abroad, Service Learning and Student Exchange Opportunities

Student laughing with local girl

International Service Learning

Planting the seeds of service that will carry into students’ professional careers and personal lives.

— Professor Scott Kramer

2019-2020 Study Abroad Opportunities

Quito, Ecuador – Fall 2019

International Service Learning Opportunity

Auburn Building Science students have the opportunity to participate in an International Service Learning class to Quito, Ecuador. The trip will take place during October 4 – 13, 2019. BSCI students will receive 3 credit-hours for BSCI 5960: Construction in Culture — Ecuador (this class counts as a BSCI Construction Elective). While in Ecuador, BSCI students will work on a construction site assisting local builders using technology common for developing countries.

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