Degrees & Programs

Building Science

Building Science Thesis

Auburn’s Bachelor of Science in Building Construction (BSCI) Program is a four-year ACCE accredited program focused on construction management including specialized training in estimating, scheduling, project management, safety, surveying, sustainable construction, and structures.

The Building Construction Program is unique due to its leading edge information technology applications emphasis. This combination provides graduates a comprehensive foundation for success. International study opportunities allow students to have exposure to global practices in construction science.

BSCI Survey Camp

Surveying Camp

Pre-Building Construction

Incoming freshmen and external transfer students who are interested in the Building Construction program should apply for admission as Pre-Building Construction students at Internal transfer students must have a 2.80 (gapped) GPA.

  • Eligibility for admission to the Pre-Building Construction major is determined by the Auburn University Admissions Office. For questions about Auburn’s admissions process please visit the University Admissions website at

Professional Fees

The CADC charges a professional fee to partially defray the difference between state funding and tuition, and the actual costs of our professional programs. Within each program, a professional fee charge of $2,160 is tied to enrollment in specific trigger courses. During semesters when students are enrolled in these classes they will be charged the professional fee.

Through the professional fees, the CADC continues to provide our students with rigorous and relevant academic experiences, which contribute to our programs being recognized as among the best in the nation.


Students accepted for admission must complete the scholarship application through the Auburn University Scholarship Opportunity Manager (AUSOM) to receive consideration for Freshman and General Scholarships awarded by the McWhorter School of Building Science as well as the Office of University Scholarships. The criteria for departmental scholarships vary and can include state residency requirements, high school GPA, ACT/SAT test scores, and an established financial need based on the results of the FAFSA. For questions regarding scholarship application requirements and deadlines visit the University Scholarship website.


Currently Enrolled Students

Students who are currently enrolled at Auburn University must complete the AUSOM scholarship application to receive consideration for General and Departmental Scholarships. To be eligible, students must have completed a minimum of 15 hours at Auburn University or completed a total of two building construction courses by the end of the fall semester prior to the application process. For questions regarding the AUSOM scholarship application requirements and deadlines visit the University Scholarship website.

Thesis Information

Laptop Requirements

More Questions?

For further questions, please contact Student Services by calling 334.844.5350, visiting 120 Dudley Hall on weekdays 7:45–11:45 a.m. or 12:45–4:45 p.m. or emailing us at

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