News & Events

2021 Building Technology Educators’ Society Conference

June 10–12, 2021

Keynote speaker Jennifer Bonner / MALL will speak Friday, June 11 from 4:30-5:30pm CST

BTES 2021 Conference Schedule:

Thursday, June 10

*All times are Central Standard Time (CST)

Opening Plenary

Auburn University Rural Studio Front Porch Initiative faculty Elizabeth Farrell Garcia, David Hinson and Mackenzie Stagg present “Seal, Strap & Certify: Designing, Building and Monitoring High-Performance Homes.”

11:00 – 11:45am Welcome, Introductions and Opening Plenary
11:45 – 1:15pm Early Afternoon Paper Sessions (2)

Materials + Fabrication

Moderator: Aletheia Ida

Concrete Environments 

Duane McLemore and Jacob Gines, Mississippi State University

Team Totemics: Consequences of an Exquisite Corpse

Peter Wong, David Thaddeus, and Frances Hsu
University of North Carolina Charlotte

Immersive Learning Environments for Industrial Robotics Training

Shahin Vassigh, Eric Peterson, Biayna Bogosian, and Jorge Tubella
Florida International University

Pedagogy: Innovative Approach to Remote Learning

Moderator: Ulrich Dangel

Virtual Studio Collaboration During Remote Studio Learning

Naomi Darling and Elisa Kim,
Mount Holyoke College/University of Massachusetts Amherst, Smith College

Thinking Outside the Building

Sandy Stannard, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

High Tech | Low Tech: Teaching Augmented Fabrication in the Zoom Era

Emily Baker, University of Arkansas

1:15 – 1:45pm Lunch Break; Edward Allen Student Award Work Displayed
1:45 – 2:45pm BTES Business Meeting for all Attendees
2:45 – 4:15pm Late Afternoon Paper Session

Energy + Analysis

Moderator: Liz McCormick

The Impact of Different Building Assemblies on Thermal and Air Quality Performance. An Experimental Student Project in an Architectural Course Comparing City Building Code Versus Passivhaus Standard.

Antonio Martinez-Molina, Kelsey Williamson, Ibukan Awolus,
and Miltiadis Alamaniotis
The University of Texas at San Antonio

Farnsworth Redux

Craig Griffen, Thomas Jefferson University

Testing the Daylighting, Energy, and Carbon Footprint Performance of Louvers

Alexis Severson, Khaled Mansy, Tom Spector, John Phillips, and Jeanne Homer
Oklahoma State University

4:30 – 5:30pm Emerging Faculty Award and Book Award with presentations




Friday, June 11

11:00 – 12:30pm Early Afternoon Paper Sessions (2)

Structure + LCA

Moderator: Terri Boake

The Importance of Material Lifespan in Embodied Carbon Analysis 

Melissa Russell, Tom Spector, Khaled Mansy, John Phillips, and Jeanne Homer
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Housing Façade Retrofit Strategies: A Life Cycle Assessment

Ming Hu, University of Maryland

Advanced Tall Buildings Collaboratory

Thomas Fowler and Kevin Dong
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Materials and Fabrication

Moderator: Aletheia Ida

Soft Rock Studio: Exploring a Soft Systems Approach to “Artificial Rock” 

James Forren, Dalhousie University

Volumetric Envelopes: The Transformation of Design and Fabrication of Prefabricated ElementsUsed in Building Envelopes

Niloufar Emami, Louisiana State University

Free-Form: The Adversarial Role of Materials in Automation

Genevieve Baudoin, Kansas State University and Bruce Johnson, Dual Ecologies

12:30 – 1:00pm Lunch Break; Edward Allen Student Award Work Displayed
1:00 – 1:45pm Project Shorts

Project Shorts

Moderator: Hans C. Herrmann

The Living Room

Hans C. Herrmann and Cory Gallo, Mississippi State University

The Hygge House: An Alternative Model for Interdisciplinary Design-Build courses

Robert Williams and Carl Fiocchi, University of Massachusetts

Comparison of Smartphone Lighting Apps for use in Virtual Building Science Education

Terri Peters and Randy Ly, Ryerson University

The Mirror Perch Bridge at the Crosby Arboretum

Hans C. Hermann, Mississippi State University

1:00 – 2:30pm Mid-Afternoon Paper Session

History + Culture + Theory + Structure

Moderator: Shannon Bassett

Building Structure in the Context of Architectural Theory: A History/Theory Course on Technology in Architecture

Christina McCoy, Oklahoma State University

Labor Movements: From the Specifications of the Panama Canal to Robotic

Federico Garcia Lammers, Jessica Garcia Fritz, Joseph Kenny, Nathaniel Krueger, and Rebecca Woytassek, South Dakota State University

Patents Pneumatic Experiments for Humanitarian Design: Otto’s Ideology and Technology of Lightness

Rob Whitehead, Iowa State University

2:45 – 4:15pm Late Afternoon Paper Session

Pedagogy: Equitable and Engaging

Moderator: Nea Maloo

Commodity AND Delight: A Case for a Qualitative Basis for Environmental Technology Instruction

James Leach and Kristin Nelson, University of Detroit Mercy

Animate the Assembly: Making technical drawings accessible 

Mary English, Auburn University

Recruiting Engagement through Readings + Media in Architectural Technology Education

Carmen Trudell and Soham Patel, California Polytechnic State University,
San Luis Obispo


4:30 – 5:30pm Keynote

Jennifer Bonner

Jennifer Bonner is Associate Professor of Architecture at Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Bonner received a Bachelor of Architecture from Auburn University and a Master of Architecture from Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

Saturday, June 12

11:00 – 12:00pm cove.tool workshop
12:15 – 1:15pm ClimateStudio workshop


Out of Bounds: Crossing Disciplines in Teaching Technology

Alabama has long been a supplier to the U.S., where the sounds of Muscle Shoals and the flavors of Mobile Bay have contributed to its cultural memory, and its fertile soils and seas of southern pine have helped build its material culture. The state’s role as a supplier has benefited some of its inhabitants but come at the expense and exploitation of others. Modernity and globalization have further complicated the social, economic, and ecological implications of Alabama’s role as a supplier, even as it becomes more ingrained in broader material networks. The conceptual role of this conference is to elucidate supply chains and their impacts, here and elsewhere, through the lens of technology and innovation in the built environment. We ask attendees to step Out of Bounds, into disciplines outside their own, examining impacts outside their purview, in an environment with which they may be unfamiliar. The organizer’s intent is that, in doing so, we can better understand the role buildings play in supply chain and become more attuned educators of building technology.

The Building Technology Educator’s Society advances design education by disseminating its members’ work and facilitating their interaction. This is critical not only for students of the building disciplines, but also for those who rely on the work of those future professionals. The BTES Conference is both a celebration of this effort and its most dense expression. Auburn University is a Land Grant institution that prides itself on a robust balance of teaching, research, and outreach efforts within its region, and because of its transdisciplinary contributions to the built environment and location in the deep south, we extend the theme of a conference Out of Bounds.

Hosted by the Auburn University School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture