Questions have been organized by Students and Parents
Students FAQs
Contact Student Services at 334-844-5350.
Advisors see students from 8:30-11:30 and 1:00-4:00 in 120 Dudley Hall.
- All current CADC students are required to meet with an advisor once a semester.
- Prospective students coming for a visit must make an appointment in advance.
- Appointments for prospective students will be made on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Students must meet with an advisor to know which credits from another institution have been applied to an Auburn degree. Admissions determine which courses are needed for admission to Auburn University, but the advisor decides how those credits will apply towards degree requirements.
As a transient student, the student must get a transient form from Student Services. The student should have the form completed by an advisor who must approve courses for transfer credit. Students should note that they cannot be enrolled in two institutions concurrently.
A student is placed on academic warning when the GPA gets below a 2.0. The warning is indicated at the end of the grade report every semester until the GPA is above a 2.0.
- Academic Warning indicates that the student may also go on suspension from Auburn University if the GPA continues to drop.
Please see an advisor if you have any questions about academic warning or needs any assistance with finding help.
Students can request and receive transcripts from the Office of Admissions and Records, located at 100 Mary Martin Hall. Official transcripts are mailed to the designated person or institution.
Classification refers to a student’s class standing:
Senior (SR) 91 or more semester hours
Junior (JR) 61-90 semester hours
Sophomore (SO) 31-60 semester hours
Freshman (FR) 30 or fewer semester hours
Classification is important because it determines the student’s registration times. Also, certain classes are only available to students with a specific class standing. It may also determine scholarship, professional fee, or housing.
Adding a class:
- A student may add a course online until the first day of class.
- After that, the student must get school approval to enroll in a course.
Dropping a class:
- A student may drop a course online through the 15th class day without penalty.
- During Summer semester, this deadline for dropping without penalty is the 5th class day.
- After the 15th class day, a student has until mid-semester to drop receiving a grade of W.
- Courses cannot be dropped after mid-semester without approval from the Associate Dean. Documentation must be provided.
A hold on a student’s record means that the student will not be able to:
- Add or drop a class
- Receive a transcript
- Get student housing
- Receive financial aid
Here are some offices who may place a hold and why:
CADC Advisors
- Reason for hold: If the advisor needs to see the student.
- Some schools place a hold on all students prior to registration and lift the hold only after the student meets with an advisor.
- CADC Advisors do not routinely place holds.
Office of Student Financial Services
- Reason for hold: If a student has an unpaid bill.
AU Medical Clinic
- Reason for hold: If a student has an unpaid balance, discrepancies with their insurance, or fails to return a completed health form to the Auburn Medical Clinic.
Office of Admissions and Records
- Reason for hold: Student is returning to school from suspension.
To receive a graduation check, please see an advisor.
A diploma application must also be completed before graduation.
To drop all courses or to resign, the student must contact Student Services and complete a “Resignation Form.”
For Architecture and Industrial Design:
- All studio grades are classified as design or major GPA.
For Building Construction:
- All BSCI courses along with the business courses in the third and fourth years are classified as the major GPA.
To find out the design GPA or major GPA, please see an advisor.
Scholarships are only given in spring semester for the next academic year. Scholarship applications are available through each school office.
Any student in the College of Architecture, Design and Construction who is classified as one of the following degrees will pay a professional fee:
- Architecture
- Interior Architecture
- Undergraduate Landscape Architecture
Click here for more information.
Parents FAQs
- Professional programs are inherently more expensive to run than non-professional programs. They require more space, more personnel, a lower student/teacher ratio, access to a higher level of technology than most disciplines, and incur significant costs associated with achieving and maintaining accreditation from the appropriate, national agencies.
- As a result, the College of Architecture, Design and Construction charges a professional fee to partially defray the difference between state funding and tuition, and the actual costs of our professional programs.
- Within each program, a professional fee charge of $2,160 is tied to enrollment in specific trigger courses.
- During semesters when students are enrolled in these classes, they will be charged a professional fee.
- These course are identified in the CADC undergraduate handbook.
- Through the professional fees, the CADC continues to provide our students with rigorous and relevant academic experiences, which contribute to our programs being recognized as among the best in the nation.
This depends on the program.
- Architecture: five-year undergraduate curriculum
- Building Construction, Industrial Design, and Graphic Design: four-year curriculums
All the programs have courses that must be taken in certain sequences, and some of these courses are only offered once a year.
If your child misses a semester, then he or she may not be able to finish on schedule.
For more detailed information, please talk to an advisor in CADC Student Services.
- Like the rest of the economy, the employment outlook in architecture, design and construction has improved.
- While the job market may have struggled nationally, we found that our students were still able to find good jobs.
- The CADC’s reputation for producing well-educated, well-trained, and well-rounded employees has benefitted our students. We have a network of alumni and friends who actively seek our graduates.
- The 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a federal law (20 U.S.C. 1232g) that protects the privacy of a student’s educational record.
- FERPA applies to all educational institutions receiving funds from the United States Department of Education, from kindergarten through the university level.
- Being in compliance with FERPA means that a student’s academic records cannot be released to anyone except the student.
- For more information on FERPA, visit the Student Affairs website.