32nd Annual Pumpkin Carve Success

On Friday October 30, the 32nd annual Pumpkin Carve opened to a perfect fall day. Students were excited to participate in the long-standing traditions of Pumpkin Carve despite the challenges of a COVID-19 environment.  To accommodate the special circumstances required for social distancing, this year’s Pumpkin Carve was designed with both in-person and online options for participation.  Students gathered in small groups at tables set up throughout the Dudley Hall courtyard. The participants took short videos of their final pumpkins and submitted them virtually for judging on a website designed by the Auburn Chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS). Digital screens were posted in the Dudley Hall windows to display the carving submission videos, and the pumpkins remained on display in the courtyard throughout the day and into the evening.  Despite the necessary limits on attendance, students made the event exciting and even discovered new ways to share the experience of Pumpkin Carve.

Creating a website to communicate information and provide a gallery for online video submissions proved successful and worthy of continuing in the coming years. Participants found that it was helpful to have the information about the event accessible on the website, and the students’ videos of their carving designs added another dimension of creativity and excitement to the activity. Thanks to the support of the College of Architecture, Design and Construction (CADC) faculty and the hard work and innovative spirit of the students, the 32nd Annual Pumpkin Carve was a success. Please take a moment to view the pumpkin submissions and design winners by accessing the website at: https://aiasauburn.wixsite.com/pumpkincarve