2020 Seed Grant Awardees
Mary English
Animation in Architecture Education
Jeffrey Kim and Darren Olsen
Augmented Reality in Construction Quality Inspections
Salman Azhar and Sanjiv Kumar
Post Pandemic Airport Concourse Redesign Using Advanced Visualization Technologies
Junshan Liu and Gorham Bird
Realizing Alabama’s Rosenwald Schools, Phase I: Fieldwork + Digital Documentation
Keith Rahn and Kevin Hitchcock
The Impacts of Post-Occupancy Behavior on Energy Efficiency in a LEED Gold Institutional Building and Methods to Influence It Via Eco-Feedback System
Keith Rahn, Daniel Svyantek, and Lindsay Tan
Effects of Lighting Color in a University Testing Environment
Lauren Redden and Gargi Sawhney
A Qualitative Exploration of Stressors and Coping Behaviors in Managing Stress for Professionals in the Construction Industry
Courtney Windham and Margaret Fletcher
Fragments to Fruition: Discovering Designers and their Processes Documenting the Scribbles, Prototypes, Mistakes and Successes
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Seed Grant Awardees