Upgrade Complete in Gorrie Room 205

Gorrie 205

Room 205 in the Gorrie Center, home of the McWhorter School of Building Science, recently received a renovation and upgrade that changed how the room is configured.

Instead of rows of static seating, there are now eight pods of five desks that allow for small group exercises and discussions. Associate Professor Wes Collins says that the new space offers faculty members flexibility in teaching. “The retractable desks allow for the room to be used for classes where having computers with dual monitors is very valuable, such as the estimating classes that I teach, or classes where computers are not heavily used, such as structures,” he explained. Students and faculty can use the new white boards covering the walls around the perimeter of the room for sketching ideas and concepts. The renovation also included the addition of six 96″ television monitors for faculty presentations instead of a single projector screen in the front of the room.

“All of our renovations are done with the intention of improving our students’ educational experience,” said school head Richard Burt. “We want to ensure they are well prepared for the workforce when they graduate.”

Sponsorship opportunities for facility upgrades are available. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Christopher Griffin in the Advancement Office at cgriffin@auburn.edu.

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