Design Interaction

Wallace Hall, 107 & 111 , United States

The 36th Annual Design Interaction Symposium will take place on Friday, September 26, with two speakers (industrial and graphic designers) presenting in the morning in Wallace Hall. Events begin at 9:00 a.m., with a Wallace lawn cookout to follow at noon. The afternoon summary session is at 2:00 p.m.   For the full schedule, please […]

Graphic Design Senior Show

Wallace Hall , United States

Graphic Design seniors will exhibit their senior projects at the Senior Show, beginning Monday, December 8, through Friday, December 12, at Wallace Hall.

Ebel Speaking at School of Industrial + Graphic Design Spring Convocation

Wallace Hall, 107 & 111 , United States

Ben Ebel, Design Coordinator for OE activities in North America and chair of the Michelin Challenge Design global design competition, will be the speaker at the School of Industrial + Graphic Design"s spring semester convocation on Friday, January 16, at 10 a.m. An Auburn industrial design graduate who has worked for Ferrari, Volvo and Mercedes, […]

Flinchum Lecture on Henry Dreyfuss

107 Wallace Hall , United States

The School of Industrial + Graphic Design welcomes Dr. Russell Flinchum, who will present a lecture, "Taking the Measure of Henry Dreyfuss,” on Tuesday, February 10 at 1:00 p.m., in 107 Wallace Hall. Flinchum is an Associate Professor of Graphic Design and Industrial Design at North Carolina State University. He is a former Peter Krueger/ […]

Graphic Design Juried Student Show

Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center , United States

The Annual GDES Juried Show will be held Monday, 16 March through Friday, 20 March at the Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center and judged by Martin Venezky of Appetite Engineers, a small internationally recognized design firm located in San Francisco, CA. Associated with the show will be a lecture by Venezky and presentation of awards. […]

Designing Green

Wallace Hall, 107 & 111 , United States

The 11th Annual Designing Green Competition, inaugurated by the late INDD professor Brenda Peters, led by Associate Professor Jerrod Windham will begin Thursday, 19 March at 9:00 a.m. in Wallace Hall rooms 107-111. The 24-hour design challenge will be led by David Oakey of David Oakey Designs, a world leader in sustainable design and consultant […]

SIGD Advisory Council Meeting

Wallace Hall, 208 , United States

The spring semester meeting of the SIGD Advisory Council will take place Friday, 20 March, to begin at 10:30 a.m. Central Time in Wallace 208. We are looking to expand our membership, particularly in graphic design. If you are interested, please attend as a guest.

Graphic Design Senior Show Spring 2015

Wallace Hall, 116-118 , United States

The Spring Semester Graphic Design Senior Show is scheduled for Monday through Friday, 4-8 May in Wallace Hall rooms 116-118. The opening reception for the Senior Show is on Monday, May 4, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Wallace Hall. The event is free and open to the public. Congratulations to seniors below: Christopher Adams […]