APLA Awards Endowed Professorships

The School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture (APLA) at Auburn University has announced the awarding of several professorships beginning in the fall semester of 2022.
The R. Hugh Daniel Endowed Professorship has been awarded to Professor David Hinson, FAIA. This position supports Auburn students’ educational experiences in Construction and Real Estate Development while honoring Mr. R. Hugh Daniel’s legacy through the Daniel Foundation. Bill Stone, President of Stone Building Company, and The Stone Family Foundation provided the match in order to fully fund this professorship. Professor Hinson holds bachelor’s degrees in environmental design and architecture from Auburn as well as a Master of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently serving as the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research in the College of Architecture, Construction and Design and teaches in the Architecture and Master of Real Estate Development programs.
The Ann and Batey Gresham Endowed Professorship has been awarded to Professor Carla Keyvanian. This position honors the Greshams, both of whom graduated from Auburn University, and recognizes Batey Gresham’s professional work as a founding partner in the accomplished international design firm Gresham, Smith and Partners. The Gresham Professorship, established in 1999, was the first endowed professorship in the architecture program. Professor Keyvanian holds a professional degree from the School of Architecture in Venice as well as a master’s and a doctorate in architectural history from M.I.T. Her area of research is Medieval and Renaissance architecture and urbanism as well as contemporary historiographic theory.
The Alumni Endowed Professorship has been awarded to Professor Charlene LeBleu, FASLA. This position, funded by the Provost’s Office and Auburn Alumni Association, is designed to reward distinguished faculty members who are making outstanding contributions to Auburn’s academic programs. In addition to a bachelor’s degree in Forest Resources & Conservation from the University of Florida, LeBleu holds a Master of Landscape Architecture and a Master of Community Planning from Auburn. She teaches in APLA’s Landscape Architecture program, and her areas of interest and research focus on community engagement, coastal planning and design and water quality issues.
See more in:
Faculty Recognition
Related people:
David Hinson,
Carla Keyvanian,
Charlene LeBleu