Amna Salman

Assistant Professor

Amna Salman

McWhorter School of Building Science

Bachelor of Science in Building Construction

201 M. Miller Gorrie Center Phone: (334) 844-4518

Ph.D. in Building Construction, Auburn University
Master of Community Planning, Auburn University
Master of Public Administration, Auburn University
Bachelor of Architecture, University of Engineering and Technology

Amna Salman is an Assistant Professor at the McWhorter School of Building Science and has been teaching in the school since Fall 2016. Salman teaches the Structure courses to Building Science and Architecture students. She believes that experimental instructional approach highly benefits students and results in deeper understanding and enthusiasm. The traditional lecture method alienates students and results in loss of attention. She is in the process of introducing various experimental projects in her Structures courses for better student understanding and knowledge retention.

Interest areas in research and practice:
Sustainability/Sustainable Development
Facilities Maintenance and Management
Prefabrication/Off-site Construction
Structural Systems
Green Building