Zanzot to Participate in Federal Effort to Develop Local Food Project in Tuskegee

Jocelyn Zanzot, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture in Auburn’s School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture and Co-Director of the Mobile Studio, is the principal investigator in “Made in Macon, Homegrown in Tuskegee,” a collaborative project that was one of twenty-six selected to participate in the Local Foods, Local Places Initiative. Local Foods, Local Places is a Federal Creative Economic Development Program funded jointly by the EPA, the USDA, The DOT, CDC, ARC and DRA. “Made in Macon, Homegrown in Tuskegee” uses the Mobile Studio methodology to create meaningful dialogue and advance design solutions to develop an implementable plan for promoting local foods, enhancing the downtown Farmers Market and main streets, and extending access to healthy foods through civic infrastructure in Tuskegee, Alabama and the surrounding region. Zanzot will be working in collaboration with Daniel Neil, Co-Director of the Mobile Studio, and lead partners who include Dr. Raymon Shange at Tuskegee University Carver Integrative Sustainability Center and Tony Haygood with the Tuskegee-Macon Community Development Corporation. For more information please click here.