Il Kim named Associate Professor

APLA would like to congratulate Architecture Professor Il Kim for his recent promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor, with tenure.
Professor Kim received his BA in architecture from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, and M. Phil and Ph.D. in art/architectural history from Columbia University’s Department of Art History and Archaeology. At Auburn, he has been teaching both history and design. As an architect his built work, all in Japan, includes a private residence, a clinic/home, an orphanage, and a geriatric hospital. He has co-edited books focusing mainly on contemporary American residential architecture.
Professor Kim’s primary scholarly works are in the field of Renaissance architecture and engineering. Many of his articles on these subjects have been published in European and American journals and books. His current research centers on the influence of scientific knowledge and engineering techniques in the development of fifteenth-century philosophy/theology. He is working on a book, the focus of which is the intellectual relationship between the architect/theoretician Leon Battista Alberti and the philosopher/theologian Nicolaus Cusanus. In June 2020, Professor Kim was elected President of the American Cusanus Society.
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Il Kim