CADC 2014 Holds Annual Awards Banquet

The College of Architecture, Design and Construction held its annual awards banquet on Thursday evening, October 30 at the Auburn University Hotel and Conference Center. Dean Vini Nathan welcomed faculty, staff, students and other honored guests who included Provost Tim Boosinger and Associate Dean for the Libraries Marcia Boosinger, Jane Parker, VP for Development and her husband Bill, Auburn Foundation Board Member Walt Waltoz and his wife Ginger, Miller and Frances Gorrie, and Jim and Allison Gorrie.
Click here to see photos from the event.
Dara Hosey, CADC Development Manager, announced the following new endowments:
Walt and Ginger Woltosz Endowed Fund for Excellence in Support of the Frederick Biggin House established by Walt and Ginger Woltosz
Goyette, Batiste and Cole Endowed Scholarship in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture given by Harold Goyette and Doris Cole
Robert E. Reed ’65 Endowed Fund for Excellence in the Masters of Real Estate Development Program Established by Bill Stone
Lucien M. Kimball Family Endowed Scholarship in the McWhorter School of Building Science given by Lucien and Ginger Kimball
Steve Williams Endowed Scholarship in the McWhorter of School Building Science established by Jim Gorrie and 30 other donors
Student Awards
Bret Smith, interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs announced the undergraduate and graduate student award winners. Congratulations to year’s winners for their well-deserved honors!
Oustanding Undergraduate Students:
Environmental Design: Brendan Byrne
Industrial Design: Rachel Lopdrup
Graphic Design: Erin Albright
Building Construction: Levi R. Wright
Architecture: Chloe Schultz
Interior Architecture: Caroline Eitzen
Student Leadership Award: Emily Johnson
Outstanding Graduate Students:
Real Estate Development: Carey Gilbert
Industrial Design: David Goggans
Community Planning: Tessa Tompkins
Landscape Architecture: Maria Hines
Integrated Design and Construction–Architecture: Martha Merzig
Integrated Design and Construction–Building Construction: Mike Jennesse
Student Leadership Award: Kenneth “Dale” Speetjens
Other Awards and Recognitions:
Cheryl Morgan, retired Director of the Urban Studio, was recognized for her professional and personal accomplishments that includes elevation to AIA’s College of Fellows
Regina Casillas Conradi, Academic Advisor, received the CADC Outstanding Staff Award-
School of Industrial + Graphic Design:
Outstanding Teaching Award: Ross Heck, Professor of Graphic Design
Outstanding Service Award: Big Communications, Birmingham, AL
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture:
Outstanding Teaching Award: Margaret Fletcher, Assistant Professor of Architecture
Distinguished Service Award: Jason Fondren, principal planner at the KPS Group in Birmingham, AL
McWhorter School of Building Science:
Outstanding Teaching Award: Bruce Smith, Associate Professor
Distinguished Service Award: Aaron Wright, Integrated Construction Director for Hoar Construction
The Industry Legacy Award:
Brasfield & Gorrie, Birmingham, AL, was presented CADC’s first Industry Legacy Award in recognition of its long and sustained positive impact in the design or construction community; for its permanent imprint on our region through its work and service to the greater community, and for enhancing our student environment through its involvement with the College of Architecture, Design and Construction.