ASLA Recognizes Auburn APLA Student, Professor and Alumnus in 2024
A fourth-year student, an Assistant Professor and a distinguished alumnus from Auburn’s School of Planning and Landscape Architecture (APLA) have all received recognition and high honors from the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) in 2024, demonstrating the excellence of the program.

The ASLA is a professional association for landscape architects in the United States. Its mission is to advance landscape architecture through advocacy, communication, education and fellowship.
Fourth-year Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) student Chase Hoytink recently received a 2024 American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Student Award of Excellence in the General Design category. Her winning entry was entitled “Restoring Elba’s Pea River Through Dam Revitalization.”
Assistant Professor Isaac Cohen’s research project was recognized with an ASLA National Honor Award for Research. The winning project, “Race and the Control of Public Parks,” used a century long historical analysis of the public park system in Dallas, Texas, to uncover the physical and psychological ways in which public landscapes and the works of landscape architects have segregated urban spaces.
And finally, alumnus Dr. Galen Newman ’03 was elevated to the ASLA Council of Fellows. The designation of ASLA Fellow is reserved for professionals who have made extraordinary contributions in the areas of creative work, leadership, service and knowledge. Newman, who also holds two master’s degrees from Auburn—in Landscape Architecture and Community Planning—is Professor and Head of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M University.

See more in:
Faculty Recognition,
Faculty Work,
Industry Recognition
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Isaac Cohen