APLA International
Rogers Gives Presentations in Colombia
Karen Rogers, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research in the College of Architecture, Design and Construction, was a presenter at the “National Encounter of Deans and Directors of Schools of Architecture” sponsored by the Colombian Association of Schools of Architecture in Villa de Leyva, Colombia, March 29–31. Her presentation, “Rethinking the Relationship between Academia and Community: the Experience of Auburn University’s Rural Studio” was made in Spanish to the deans and directors of 38 Colombian architecture schools. She also gave a lecture in Spanish on Rural Studio at the School of Architecture and Design at the University of Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia.
Finn Presents Seminar in Rome, Italy
J. Scott Finn, Associate Professor of Architecture and Director of the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture’s International Studies Program in Rome, presented a seminar to Italian design professionals entitled “Dialogues of Architecture” on March 29. Finn, Carmelo Baglivo, and Laura Negrini, Italian architects and theorists of architecture, discussed Rome and its role in the education of Italian and international students of architecture. The seminar was jointly sponsored by InArch—Istituto Nazionale di Architettura and the University of Arkansas Rome Center for Architecture and the Humanities, where Auburn architecture students experience a place-based, study abroad program.
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Faculty Work,
International Collaborations