Endowed Chairs and Professorships


Auburn University


While all gifts to the College of Architecture Design and Construction contribute to our high quality of instruction, research and outreach, endowments are particularly meaningful as they offer a dependable, perpetual source of funding. The investment made with the creation of an CADC endowment provides the type of support that makes a real difference in the lives of our students, faculty, and staff—by enhancing their education, research, daily work, and academic excellence. Endowed gifts enable CADC to offer a truly world-class experience.


Imagine making a contribution that leaves a legacy for generations to come. This lasting impact can easily be made through the establishment of a CADC endowment. Considered one of the most advantageous sources of funding, endowments enable CADC to attract excellent students, support exceptional faculty and expand and develop new programs by providing a steady, consistent and perpetual source of income. Not only does the steady stream of funding ensure that the college’s needs to recruit and retain the best and brightest students and faculty are met, but it also provides access to the most robust education possible.


Endowed funds differ from others in that the total amount of the gift is invested. Each year, only a portion of the income earned is spent while the remainder is added to the principal for growth. In this respect, an endowment is a perpetual gift. CADC endowments begin at $25,000, funded fully at its initiation or made as a pledge, payable over up to five years. Donors may contribute any amount to an existing endowed program or pool resources with other like-minded individuals or companies to create a new endowment. Following is an example endowment gift.

  1. A CADC alumna makes a $25,000 gift to establish a named endowed scholarship in memory of her husband.
  2. A gift agreement is drawn up between CADC and the donor to guarantee that her gift will be invested and used solely for its stated purpose.
  3. The gift is invested, maintained, administered and distributed by the Auburn University Foundation, in accordance with Foundation policies and applicable Alabama laws to support the purpose(s) specified in this agreement.
  4. A predetermined portion of the income earned is used to provide one scholarship per year in accordance with the gift agreement instructions. The fund’s principal remains intact.
  5. The remainder of the income earned is reinvested in the named fund’s principal as a hedge against inflation and to generate growth.
  6. The named fund continues to grow ensuring future scholarship support.


One of the advantages of creating an endowment is the freedom to choose how your investment will support the CADC. We offer the following types of endowments:

Undergraduate Scholarships

Scholarships provide donors a wonderful opportunity to create a legacy while supporting students. These awards can be made to students in the name of the donor or a person the donor wishes to honor in a meaningful way. Scholarships have been established by individuals, families, friends, and even corporate entities for occasions that include birthdays, anniversaries, career achievements, and special thank you messages. Donors wishing to support undergraduate students have a variety of options, ranging from $1,000 one-time or annual scholarships, to endowed scholarships with a minimum gift of $25,000 (payable over five years).

Graduate Fellowships and Assistantships

Like undergraduate scholarships, graduate student fellowships and assistantships recognize the scholarly and research accomplishments of our graduate students. The College of Education currently hosts the largest enrollment of graduate students among the university’s 14 academic colleges and schools, so this support is vital in supporting these students’ work. Merit-based fellowship contributions can be through a one-time or annual contribution of $1,000, or endowments beginning at $100,000 (payable over five years).

Professorship Endowments

A named endowed professorship honors the donor and assists academic departments by providing the resources necessary to provide an appropriate level of support for faculty. They also aid in recruiting and retaining high-quality professors. Endowed professorships are naming opportunities and can carry the names of the donor(s) or someone they wish to honor. Endowed named professorships provide salary supplements to existing salaried position professors. These supplements may also be used to supplement travel and research expenses.

Funds for Excellence and Additional Endowment Opportunities

A wide variety of other endowment opportunities exist, with varying giving levels, that can support needs at the college, departmental and program level, or needs among faculty, researchers, administrators, and students.


Once you have chosen an area you would like to support, you should assess the impact you would like your gift to have. Endowments inherently bring about a profound impact because of their longevity. The perpetuity of your gift will help CADC sustain support in the area of your choosing.

Endowments are an excellent way to permanently honor your family, a mentor or a loved one. Once you have created an endowment, your gift becomes part of CADC’s heritage and tradition. In fact, loved ones may also choose to support your fund because they know how special it is to you.

Your family and CADC have the opportunity to enjoy a long relationship built around something that you value.